Ice Cube at Stir Concert Cove in Council Bluffs, Iowa on July 14th, 2023.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Winsel Photography
I can’t count on one hand how many times I have missed my opportunity to see and cover Ice Cube. But, he was strong on my bucket list and I was determined to make it this time…and I did. It was hot AF in at Stir Cove in Council Bluffs early that evening, but it cooled off nicely before Ice Cube hit the stage later that night.
Classic night of hip hop music with a crowd that was multi generational from those born 1979 and before to those born in the 2000s. I saw kids there with their parents. Hell, I even saw people well into their 50’s and 60’s digging on the music. You see, Ice Cube has been doing this for three decades!! He did not miss a step during this show, hopping around like a young man half his age. His rapping is still tight and the songs ranging from Straight out of Compton, Bop Gun, Today was a Good Day to the first three masters of Hello, Check Yo Self, and Friday. Damn I had a great time!!
I am glad that I finally got to see Ice Cube live and he did it for a solid hour and change to a capacity crowd, outside, in this freaking heat and humdity…dressed in all black. It has to be tough to be hard AF wearing black in the middle of summer outside! But he did it and I was right there with him, sweating my you know what’s off! Anyway kids, it was a good day and a great show.

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Winsel Photography in Omaha, Nebraska. ©2023.
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